All the developers developing games for the PS4 |
Ever sense the PS4 was first announced at Sony's press conference on February 20th, it has been clear that they are focusing on the games and developers. Even a few months after there press conference Sony still keeps a laser focus on showing us they are pleasing the developers and promising gamers that there system is all about games.
Sony defiantly wanted to come out next gen swinging by being the first to announce there next gen console, making sure they don't make the same mistake as they did last year by giving Microsoft such a huge head start. Sony held there press conference on February 20th coming right out immediately announcing there next gen console the PS4. Sony did not stop there, but also showed some interesting features on how they are taking more steps to having a more social console with new apps, a new interface and showing off there new controller: the Dualshock 4. Which had interesting new additions like the share button which allowed players to share 15 minutes of gameplay just by pressing a button.After showing all the new features Sony went right into explaining how there system was made with the developers in mind. Showing that there system is much easier to developer for then the PS3. Then the rest of the press conference showcased upcoming games coming to the PS4 like Watch Dogs, Infamous Second Son, Knack, Drive Club, Destiny and many more. Sony made it clear from this point on, that they were focused on pleasing the developers and making games.
They didn't stop at the press conference, they continued to show that they were all about the developers and games by updating there youtube with videos called "Developer Diaries". These videos would show how developers were using PS4's technology to there advantage. Developers from Assassins creed and Watch dogs praise the efforts that Sony is taking to make developing games for them easy. (Seems Ubisoft really likes the PS4.) Sony also saying in many interviews after the press conference that they were all about making there system easier for the small and large developers to put there games on the PS4.
You may ask: Why is Sony putting such a huge focus on the games and developers this gen? Well Sony wanted to make sure to fix there major problem that they had with the PS3. Which was, that it had a complicated architecture which made it very difficult to develop games on it. Now they made a system that was developer friendly and not confusing like before. Sony also wanted to make sure to show gamers that they are focused on games. They probably wanted to show that they have a big focus on games because they knew Microsoft would be showing a more social focused console. They wanted to establish a difference between there next gen system and Microsoft's so they went with showing gamers that there console would be all about games.
I think this is a great strategy for Sony, this will appeal to the gamers that this is the system that they are going to want to get. Also they wanted to repair there relationships with developers that may not have not liked the PS3's odd architecture by showing there new system is much easier to develop for. They also wanted to show that the PS4 will have a strong line up of games. Sony knows that to get people to purchase there system day one they are going to have to convince them, by showing them a strong PS4 line up. At the end of the day the games are what is going to sell a system and Sony knows this. I'm interested to see what Microsoft's strategy is to sell there console. Will they try and sell there console on cool social features? Will they have interesting exclusive content or apps? Will they have a large focus on games like Sony does?No one knows yet. Sony made there move first so now its up to Microsoft to show what there up to at there announcement on May 21st.
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