Saturday, June 1, 2013

Top 5 things I hope to see at E3 this year

E3 is already less then 2 weeks away and I couldn't be more excited. There are so many things I hope to see there but I made a list of the top 5 things I hope to see this year at E3.

5) New Wii U games 

I really hope that at E3 Nintendo comes out swinging showing some of there legendary first party games. Nintendo already promises to show some games like a new Mario, Mario Kart, Zelda Wind Waker HD and Super Smash Bros which are all awesome titles but I hope to see more. A new Metriod, Pokemon ( that isn't a Pokemon rumble) Star Fox would be awesome to see. Show some more of these first party games and the Wii U will be basically flying off the shelves. Nintendo may not have a press conference at E3 but they can still dominate the hype if they announce some of there awesome titles.

4) 3DS and PS Vita games

As an owner off both portable systems I think both are awesome and full of potential. The 3DS is already in its prime, selling massive amounts of units every week. The 3DS  is a huge success because of the huge library of excellent games playable on it. Super Mario 3D Land, StarFox 64, Zelda Ocarina Of Time, Fire Emblem, I could go on and on about all the great games out for the 3DS. I still want to see a steady flow of games come out for the 3DS so I would love for Nintendo to show some upcoming games for there portable system. The PS Vita is almost the complete opposite of the 3DS at this point. Not selling well week by week and has very few games that are actually good on it. The PS Vita is defiantly off to a slow start but just like the 3DS the PS Vita can come back. I think Sony should announce a worldwide price cut and announce some strong titles for the PS Vita. Also elaborate on some of the PS Vita's cross play features for the PS4. If Sony does this I would suspect the PS Vita to make the same exact shift in sales the 3DS had after it got its price dropped. Both companies have very promising portables and I hope they get some attention this E3.

3) The Exclusive games for each console

If there's anything I hope Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo focus on at E3 its there exclusive titles for there console. This is especially important for Sony and Microsoft because they have to convince people to buy there console. Microsoft already promises 15 exclusive games coming to the Xbox One and says there E3 press conference is all about games, so I defiantly expect for Microsoft to be all about the games especially after its disappointing reveal. Sony also needs to show some strong exclusive titles also. I doubt Sony will let Microsoft out play them at exclusives sense Sony has the most first party developers so I expect to see a lot from them too. Nintendo also shouldn't have a problem showing some of there awesome first party games.

2) Clarification on DRM and Used games by both Sony and Microsoft

After all the confusion with the whole Xbox one and used games policy I think the first thing Microsoft needs to talk about is used games. People are confused and worried so Microsoft needs to help clarify things. Also talk about DRM. Do I have to connect to the internet or not? Its that simple just tell the consumers because right now everyone is searching for answers and not getting any. The same goes for Sony. They have been silent on there used games policy sense there press conference in February. We need answers from both companies at E3 because this confusion is only scaring people away from purchasing there consoles.

1) Next Gen Games

I want to see next gen games! At E3 last year the publishers were to scared to show any next gen games ( except for Ubisoft ) but this time there should be nothing holding them back. I want to see some of the games they were probably not allowed to show at E3 last year. I want to see more then what we all ready know I want to see some surprises, something that hasn't been revealed yet. The next gen games are going to be the thing that makes us want to buy the next gen console so I expect them to be great. I cant wait to see what each company has in store for us in the upcoming year.

That is the top 5 things I want to see at E3 this year. There was more things I want to see like some talk about indie games and next gen console's features but these were my top 5. I know for sure that E3 will be awesome this year!

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