With both consoles, the PS4 and Xbox One announced we still know very little about them. Both Sony and Microsoft have already announced to reveal much more about there systems on June 10th at E3 this year. Making E3 very important for both companies to use to show why there console should be purchased this year.
E3 is always a big deal for the gaming community because this is where all the new games are announced for the upcoming year. This year however will be probably the most important E3 in the last 7 years sense this year both Microsoft and Sony are completely revealing there consoles. Hopefully we will see more about the upcoming games, hear about the price, hear about the online service and learn more about the features each company offers. Even though Nintendo decided to not have a press conference at E3 this year it is still important for them to show that there console will be relevant compared to the next gen consoles from Sony and Microsoft. Clearly E3 will be a important for each company to show what they have to offer.

I hope at E3 Sony actually reveals there system. I personally don't care what the console looks like but you have to show the public the product before you can sell it. Sony has to show there console at E3 this year. ( They most likely are sense there ad showed glimpse of the console this past week ). Sony also needs to stay focused on games. I hope to see some real good games that will defiantly sell the system. Games like Uncharted or Little Big Planet would defiantly sell the console and would get people excited overall. Games like Infamous and Killzone are both great games but wont sell the system like an Uncharted would. I would also really like to hear more about there clouding gaming service. They touched a little bit on it at there press conference but not much was shown. Also I would really like to here pricing for the system. I'm hoping between $400-$500 as a fair price. I would also like them to clarify more about PSN and used games. Will PSN still be free? Will PS+ be on the PS4? Will there be a fee on used games? Also show some games coming to the Vita! We will have to wait and see at E3 before we can answer these questions. Lets hope all will be answered about the PS4 at E3.
Luckily Microsoft has the first press conference at E3 so they can clarify many of the unanswered questions that there reveal event had. Microsoft has to clarify there used games policy. Will there be a fee? How much? How many Xbox one's can I add my account to? What retail store can I trade my games to, Gamestop or some internet store? They need to address how often you have to connect to the internet. It has been stated by Microsoft has to connect to the internet at some point periodically. We need to know, how often? Can I still use the Xbox One if I have no internet? These are serious questions that need to be answered at there press conference Microsoft has said many times that there E3 event will be all about games, so we need to see some games! Microsoft promises 15 new exclusives and 8 new IPs. We need to see these exclusives at this event. They need to forget about EA games and Call of Duty sense we can get them on every other console. Show us the gamers the exclusives. I also hope Microsoft can clarify more about Xbox Live and how it will work. Will the TV features be only accessed on Xbox Live? How much will it cost? Lastly a price would be nice to see. I also hope its around a $400-$500 price. I think as long as Microsoft answers some important questions and shows us the games they promise they will be just fine at E3.
Even though Nintendo isn't having a big press conference they will still be at E3. I think its pretty simple for Nintendo, show us the big first party games. If we can see some Super Smash Bros, new Zelda and new Mario then Nintendo will do just fine. All they have to do is show that there will be games coming out for the Wii U that you can only get on there console and the Wii U would do just fine at E3.
Clearly E3 will be very important for the 3 gaming giants this year. I think this will be the biggest E3 yet and that none of the companies will disappoint. Well have to wait until E3 before we here anything about the consoles but I can tell it will be epic.
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