Saturday, May 25, 2013

Xbox One's used game fiasco

In the wake of the Xbox One reveal on Tuesday there has been massive confusion around many of the features Xbox One will have. Will there be a fee for used games? Can I let a friend borrow my game? Can i trade games into stores like Gamestop?All these questions were left unanswered by the Xbox one reveal. After the conference instead of a solid firm answer to these important questions we got answers by many Microsoft employees that either contradicted there answers or just dodged the question all together.

Defiantly the most important question was the ones regarding how Microsoft will be handling used games. Many different answers have come out from this saying that the game will be locked to your Xbox Live account. Therefore if you bring the disk over to a friends house you have to log into your Xbox live account to play it. If the friend tries to play it then he will have to pay a fee to play. The official comment form Major Nelson  ( an Xbox employee ) can be found here. After this there has been huge confusion. Just a day ago polygon said from a anonymous source that the people wont be feed but Microsoft will fee the retailers which in the end hurts the consumers sense the prices for used games will just rise. This is still just a rumor though. In an attempt to clarify Major Nelson came out and said this:

"The ability to trade in and resell games is important to gamers and to Xbox. Xbox One is designed to support the trade in and resale of games. Reports about our policies for trade in and resale are inaccurate and incomplete. We will disclose more information in the near future."

However this doesn't really clarify anything. With conflicting stories about this used game stuff its clear Microsoft doesn't even know what there going to do yet. It seems we will have to wait until they figure this out. Hopefully everything will be sorted by E3.

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